
The series of interactive network graphs linked below are intended to help visualize the connections among people and works in Cather's correspondence. While neither definitive nor exhaustive, these graphs are intended to provide dynamic ways of contextualizing Cather within her social and artistic networks. The graphs were designed to engage questions such as:
- What works (music, novels, etc.) does Cather mention alongside references to her own writing?
- Who does Cather discuss her work with, and which works does she mention to which people?
Each link will take you to an interactive graph as well as a brief description of the graph and a summary of how it was made. The data underlying these graphs was made possible by The Willa Cather Archive's endeavors to digitize Cather's complete correspondence. The ability to visualize Cather's references to people and places is possible because of the Cather Archive's decision to richly encode each letter in XML.
- Network Graph of which works Cather mentions to which recipients.
- Network Graph of which people Cather mentions to which recipients.
- Network Graph of Cather's works and works by other creators.
- Network Graph of Cather's references to her own work.
- Graph of Cather's references to her own novels over time.